Choosing a strong Chemistry IA topic is crucial for maximizing your score. Your Chemistry IA topic should be focused, measurable, and rooted in clear scientific principles. Here’s everything you need to get started.
If you’re searching for an engaging IB Chemistry IA topic, choosing a relevant and original idea is crucial for a high-scoring investigation. Below is a list of topics that cover various chemistry fields, ensuring both depth and feasibility.
How to Choose a Great Chemistry IA Topic

- Pick a topic that genuinely interests you in Chemistry IA topic- your enthusiasm will make the research and experimentation process much easier.
- Ensure it is testable & feasible – You should be able to collect data with available lab equipment.
- Include a clear independent & dependent variable – This makes your Chemistry IA topic structured and easier to analyze.
- Choose an experiment with strong chemical theory connections – Linking to IB syllabus topics strengthens your IA.
Chemistry IA Topic Ideas
Reaction Kinetics & Rates of Reaction
- How does temperature influence the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid?
- How does concentration of a reactant impact the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide?
- How does the surface area of calcium carbonate influence its reaction rate with hydrochloric acid?
- Studying the effect of light intensity on the photochemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
- How does pH influence the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, such as catalase with hydrogen peroxide?
Acid-Base Chemistry & Titrations pH-based studies.

- How does pH affect reaction rate in an acid-catalyzed reaction?
- Comparing the buffering capacity of different antacids against hydrochloric acid.
- Comparing the buffering capacity of different antacids using titration.
- How does temperature impact the pH of a buffer solution?
- Investigating the effect of carbonation levels on the acidity of soft drinks.
- Measuring the effect of dilution on the pH of strong and weak acids.
- How do different acids affect the corrosion rate of metals?
Thermochemistry & Enthalpy Changes
- Investigating the enthalpy change of different combustion reactions in biofuels.
- How does molecular structure affect the heat of combustion of different alcohols?
- How does the concentration of a solution affect its enthalpy change during neutralization?
- Investigating the impact of different fuel types on energy released during combustion.
- How does pressure affect the boiling point and enthalpy of vaporization of water?
- The relationship between bond enthalpy and combustion efficiency of different hydrocarbons.
- Comparing the calorific value of different edible oils.
Electrochemistry & Redox Reactions
- Measuring the effect of different salt bridge materials on voltaic cell efficiency.

- Investigating how electrode material affects the voltage produced in a galvanic cell.
- Investigating the impact of electrolyte concentration on the efficiency of an electrochemical cell.
- How does temperature influence the voltage output of a voltaic cell?
- The effect of electrode material on the efficiency of an electrolysis reaction.
- Studying the effect of different salt bridges on galvanic cell performance.
- How does changing the anode and cathode affect the rate of metal deposition in electroplating?
Organic Chemistry & Biochemical Reactions
- How does UV exposure degrade Vitamin C in fruit juices?
- Analyzing the effectiveness of different sunscreens in blocking UV radiation.
- Investigating the oxidation of alcohols using potassium dichromate.
- How does light exposure affect the degradation of Vitamin C in orange juice?
- Comparing the effectiveness of natural vs. synthetic antioxidants in preventing oxidation.
- The effect of different cooking methods on the vitamin C content in vegetables.
- Investigating the impact of different solvents on the extraction efficiency of plant-based essential oils.
Thermochemistry & Energetics
- How does the concentration of a solution affect its enthalpy change during neutralization?
- Investigating the impact of different fuel types on energy released during combustion.
- How does pressure affect the boiling point and enthalpy of vaporization of water?
- The relationship between bond enthalpy and combustion efficiency of different hydrocarbons.
- Comparing the calorific value of different edible oils.
Environmental Chemistry & Green Chemistry

- Investigating the effect of pollutants on the pH of rainwater.
- How do different soil types affect the leaching of heavy metals?
- Studying the efficiency of activated charcoal in removing impurities from water.
- How does ocean acidification impact the solubility of calcium carbonate in seawater?
- Comparing the effectiveness of biodegradable vs. non-biodegradable plastics in decomposition.
Chemistry IA Topic Structure for Maximum Marks
Introduction – Research question, background info, hypothesis.
Methodology – Detailed procedure, control of variables, materials.
Data Collection & Analysis – Tables, graphs, uncertainty calculations.
Evaluation & Conclusion – Error analysis, limitations, improvements.
Additionally, Chemistry IA Resource: How to write IB Chemistry IA that impresses your examiner
I hope this helps! If you need help refining your research question or structuring your IA, feel free to reach out. We are happy to assist!
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